Weather in Claresholm

Weather Conditions in Claresholm and Southern Alberta

Experiencing weather changes in Southern Alberta weather may be a new experience for you. Spring rains may infrequently lead to flooding, the summer climate is hot and dry, and winter weather can range from heavy snow to warm winds known as “Chinook”. You should be prepared, but soon you will adapt!


Snowstorms and cold temperatures are common in winter, but they are manageable if you are prepared. Warm winter coats, boots, snow pants, scarf, mittens, and winter hats (toque) are necessities. Clothing and winter boots all have a temperature rating label; those that read -30C or lower are suitable.

Weather appropriate clothing must be worn to school as children play outdoors during their breaks.

Severe storms can result in school and road closures, so it is essential to pay attention to local resources and news. If you have school-aged children, check their school website for information on school and bus closure.

Freezing of the skin can occur when exposed to cold temperatures.  This condition is known as frostbite. Fingers, toes, nose, ears, cheeks, and chin areas are most affected. It is best to cover all exposed skin by wearing a hat, scarf, and gloves. In conditions -20C or colder it is suggested to limit exposure outdoors.

Strong winds are common in this area. Winds can develop to more than 120 km per hour, so take care when driving for flying debris…and hold on to your car door when you open it!

Dressing for the weather in Town of Claresholm

Operating a Car in Winter

Check that your vehicle has a block heater so you can plug it in to an electrical outlet during cold temperatures. The block heater will be located in the engine bay and contain a plug that can be used with an outdoor extension cord.
It is wise to keep in your car an emergency kit for winter driving. If a road is closed due to poor weather, you may have to remain inside your car for one or two hours. Bring water, snacks, blanket, snow brush/scraper, battery jumper cables, a lightweight shovel, flashlight, cell phone charger, as a precaution.

Each autumn it is important to have proper winter/snow/ice tires installed on your vehicle, from October until April.

Winterizing your home

At the end of September/ early October, ensure that your furnace is working properly.  It is advised to have your furnace be professionally cleaned each 2 years, and filters changed every 6-12 months. This will ensure your heat efficiency.  Outdoor water taps, and hoses will have to be drained and shut off internally to prevent a burst pipe. Summer garden furniture is stored away for the winter.

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