Get Involved

Small Actions.

Huge Impacts.

The Claresholm community thrives because of the generosity of people who contribute their time, knowledge, skills, and other resources. Each time you get involved in this community you are building a stronger society for everyone.

Why Volunteer?

  • Volunteering connects you to new people and new information.
  • Volunteering promotes a sense of purpose.
  • Volunteering allows you to practice English if it is not your first language.
  • Volunteering offers work experience.
    You can volunteer as much or as little as you can.
  • Learn about another’s perspective by volunteering or mentoring a newcomer.
Community Volunteer with Senior woman

Myths About Volunteering

Myth: Volunteering is just working for free. I need to be paid.

  • Volunteering is an investment in you and your community. You are not “paid” in dollars but what you may experience is invaluable.
  • Meaningful experience. (Looks positive on a resume!)
  • Obtaining a reference
  • Learning and practicing a new skill
  • New friendships and opportunities   

Myth: Volunteering takes too much time. I don’t have any spare time.

Volunteer positions can be adjusted to your schedule! You can volunteer as a family group, volunteer at your child’s school, or volunteer at an event you were already planning to attend!

Myth: I have to commit long-term.

Not all volunteer opportunities need a long-term commitment.

Myth: I don’t have enough English language to volunteer.

There is always something a newcomer can do. And it is a great way to practice skills and learn about Canadian culture.

Myth: People in my country never volunteer. People in my culture won’t understand why I would do this!

The opposite is true in Canada. Most Canadians either volunteer or have volunteered at some time because they are very aware of the benefits. In Canada, volunteering is well-respected, and some schools post-secondary programs build volunteerism into their programs, as do some employers.

How do I find volunteer opportunities?

There are lots of opportunities to get involved within our community! Begin by thinking about your skills and interests. The Welcoming Claresholm Initiative is always looking for new people with fresh ideas. Join our committee, even one time, or support at a single event. We partner many other community organizations; some rely heavily on volunteers, while others only need volunteers for specific projects.  You can choose what best matches your schedule and meet some great new people at the same time!